Thursday, October 28, 2010

7th Inning Stretch

It's hard to believe but we have already made it halfway through the Fall semester! We have been busy with completing the steps to starting our project for the Peyton School District.
Just this week we have sent our proposal off to our client for approval to begin our project! Writing the proposal went smoothly with each member of our team writing a section. Once we got our rough draft copy of the proposal finished, we participated in a workshop in class. The others groups in ENG3080 were given a chance to review and edit the proposals of the other teams. This was really helpful because we were given great advice by our fellow classmates. For example, the voice throughout our proposal varied from section to section and having an outsider reader point out these spots helped us correct the tone. It was also helpful to read other proposals and get ideas from how other classmates put theirs together.
The proposal outlined our ideas for the project so that Tracy would have an understanding of what our deliverables will be. Upon the approval of Tracy, we hope to begin the manuals that she has requested/accepted. We will continue to split tasks and continue to work together as well as we have so far.